• Ngalih Smart
  • DC Combiner Box
  • Omah pinter

Kenapa Pilih Kita?

Kekuwatan Perusahaan

Kanthi sawetara teknisi profesional lan teknologi canggih internasional, nggawe sistem kontrol kualitas sing ketat

Filosofi Perusahaan

Ing idea saka "kualitas pisanan, customer pisanan", kanggo nyedhiyani pelanggan karo produk kualitas lan layanan sampurna

Pasar Produksi

Saiki, ZHECHI wis diekspor menyang Amerika Serikat, Prancis, Australia, Italia lan luwih saka 20 negara lan wilayah.

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ZHECHI(ZC) didegaké ing taun 2011, minangka profesional kanggo omah sing cerdas, saklar lan soket tembok saklar cerdas, pengontrol suhu, Produk Listrik Solar, Pemutus Sirkuit DC, DC SPD, FUSE DC, Kothak Waterproof, kothak combiner.
Saiki, ZHECHI wis diekspor menyang Amerika Serikat, Prancis, Australia, Italia lan luwih saka 20 negara lan wilayah. Perusahaan kita wis fokus ing riset lan pangembangan lan inovasi, setya nggawe saklar cerdas sing paling praktis.
Our corporate development vision: We are committed to becoming a top smart switch manufacturer, through continuous innovation and improvement, to achieve the beautiful goal of customers, employees, and shareholders′ mutual satisfaction, and promote to become the most valuable company in this field, and ultimately become a world-renowned brand.

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